Packlet installer tool
Packlet is a simple installer tool for Java. A packlet is similar to a zip or tgz file: it
packages an application into a single compressed file that can be distributed. Packlet files
are Java class files that can be executed on any machine with Java 2 Runtime Environment
installed. Executing a packlet brings up an installer gui to configure and unpack the
application. Packlet was inspired by LiftOff and VAInstall.
Generates self-extracting Java class files.
bzip2 compression.
Swing-based installer GUI.
Checksum to detect corrupted files.
Environment check on the target machine.
Adjust text file encoding and line separator to target machine.
Template mechanism to generate launch scripts.
Set executable flags.
Packlet is alpha code, it has been tested for Packlet itself and the example applications.
Your feedback is welcome! If you want to send me a private note, please
email to Michael Hartmeier
If your feedback, question, whatever is of general interest, please post to
the mailing list.